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Notice Requirements

Written notification letters should be mailed by first class mail to all property owners within:


  • 500 feet for all applications within the Urban Service Boundary

  • 1,000 feet for all applications outside of the Urban Service Boundary


The notification distance is to be measured from the edge of property (property line). Applicant shall use the Planning Office GIS department to create the required map and address list. Notices shall include the type of application (i.e., zone change, development plan or subdivision plat), property address and/or tax map and parcel number of the subject property, Planning Office GIS base map illustrating the subject property, date, time, and location of the Planning Commission hearing, and a telephone number where more information can be obtained (i.e., the Planning Commission office phone number). Notices shall be mailed via First Class Mail. A copy of the notification, listing of surrounding property owners (noting all that received a copy), copy of the Planning Office GIS Property Map indicating the subject property and the prescribed radius shall be submitted as part of the applicant’s notification packet. The notification letters must be mailed no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing.


Posted notification signs shall be on display no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing, but not more than twenty-one (21) prior to the hearing. The applicant shall remove the posted sign within sixty (60) days of the final action at the public hearing. The day of the Planning Commission meeting shall be excluded when calculating the minimum number of days prior to the hearing during which notice must be given.

The Planning Commission policy regarding surrounding property owner notifications for all major subdivision and development plan requests (those heard by the Planning Commission at its monthly meeting) is as follows. This policy does not replace but is in addition to any State law requirements:

Notification Policy
Updated: February 2014
Notification Policy for all applications to the Planning Commission:
Submissions to Planning Commission

Applicant shall provide documentation of the notice requirements of the public hearingby the Planning Commission Application Corrections Deadline Date as follows:


A copy of the application with:

  1. A notarized confirmation of compliance with the GSCPC notification (A form shall be provided to applicant at TRC meeting)

  2. A picture of the posted sign, including the date of installation

  3. A copy of the mailing list

  4. A copy of the Planning Office GIS map used to identify parcels and mailing addresses

  5. A copy of the mailed letter

  6. Where necessary, a copy of the published notice in the newspaper showing the date of publication (applicable for zone change applications only)

Sample Notification Letter

January 23, 2006

Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Public
123 Any Street
Georgetown, Kentucky 40324




Dear Property Owner:

The Georgetown-Scott County Planning Commission will consider the preliminary subdivision request for the Snyder Property (PSP-2006-150) for 75 single-family residential lots located at 120 Any Street. The Planning Commission will consider this application at their February 9, 2006, public meeting. This meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Scott County Courthouse, 3rd Floor Courtroom. All interested persons are invited to attend. For more information, contact the Planning Commission Office at (502) 867-3701.



M.T. Lott

Sample Notification Sign
Confirmation of Compliance with Notification Policy
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