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Public Information
Developer Information
Purchase of Development Rights
Records from Previous Meetings
USPS Cluster Box Unit Information
Subdivision Plat & Development Plan Checklist
Technical Review Committee Members
Preliminary Subdivision/Development Process
Use the search bar above to find the information and documents you need.Click the 🔍 to begin your search. If you're having trouble finding something, you can contact the office at (502) 867-3701 and our staff will be glad to help!
For property information, try the Plat Finder or Zoning map.You can find information about a specific property by searching the address on one of our interactive maps: Plat Finder Zoning Map
What is the zoning of my property?You can identify how a property is zoned by using the Zoning Map on our website. Here you will find descriptions of each zone, as well as the Zoning Ordinance.
What is allowed in each zone?You can read about each zoning category by viewing the Zoning Quick Info Sheets or Zoning Ordinance.
How do I subdivide my property?Subdivisions are classified into two categories: Major and Minor. Minor subdivisions of property may be approved administratively by the Planning Office. A minor subdivision is any creation of two tracts of land, plus the parent tract, or a transfer and consolidation of property. Only one minor subdivision is permitted for a parent tract. Any additional divisions require full Planning Commission review and approval, in accordance with major subdivision requirements. Before submitting a minor subdivision plat to the Planning Office, the following is necessary: Health Department approval and signature Owner signature Six (6) copies of the plat Major subdivisions of property include the division of three (3) or more lots, requiring the extension of roads, or on property that has a previously approved minor plat. Major subdivisions require review and approval by the Planning Commission. All applications for major subdivisions must be submitted by the filing deadline and include an application, appropriate fee, and seven (7) copies of the plat.
How do I rezone my property?Rezoning requests must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and also either Fiscal Court or City Council based on the adopted Comprehensive Plan and its potential impacts on the area. Applications may be approved if they comply with the Comprehensive Plan or if the applicant proves/Planning Commission finds the existing zoning is inappropriate and the proposed zoning request is appropriate, and/or there have been major changes of an economic, physical or social nature within the area which were not anticipated at the time the Comprehensive Plan was adopted. (Please contact the Planning Commission office for complete details.) A Concept Plan showing how the property is to be used is required for all rezoning requests.
What is the minimum lot size in Scott County?In all agriculturally-zoned property within Scott County or any property without sanitary sewer, the minimum lot size is 5.0 acres.
How do I open a business in my house?This is referred to as a Home Occupation and is regulated by the Board of Adjustments. Home occupations are limited to professional office or personal service type uses, maintained or conducted within a dwelling or accessory building. Home occupations must be incidental to the principal residential use and not to exceed 25% of the floor area up to a maximum 300' square feet. Home occupations may have an unlighted sign up to 5 square feet identifying the use. In addition, home occupations cannot generate noise, odor, light, truck or other heavy traffic.
Where can I find recorded plats of a property?With our Plat Finder application you can easily locate and view recorded plats.
How do I get an address for my property?Our GIS department takes care of assigning new addresses in Scott County. Addresses are assigned at no cost and can be assigned in the office or remotely, so feel free to visit, call, or email the GIS department to easily get an address for your property.
Where do I obtain deed restrictions for my subdivision?The Planning Office does not routinely keep deed restrictions on file for subdivisions. In most cases deed restrictions are recorded with the County Clerk's Office (863-7875) and noted on the recorded plat.
How can I access records from past meetings?You can read the minutes from previously held Planning Commission meetings by visiting the Meeting Records section of our website. Here you will also find links to meeting videos that get posted on YouTube.
How often are Planning Commission meetings held?The Planning Commission meets the second Thursday of every month at 6PM at the Scott County Courthouse in the 3rd floor Fiscal Court Room, 101 E Main St, Georgetown, KY. Applicants/members of the public who wish to speak on any item should sign in at the podium and will be sworn in prior to the meeting. The meeting agenda and packet will be available for download prior to the meeting.
Address Request Form
Alleged Zoning Violation Complaint Form
Board of Adjustment Application
Business Sign Approval Application
Development Plan and Subdivision Plat Application
Land Disturbance Permit Application
Open Records Request
Purchase of Development Right (PDR) Application
Stream Construction Permit Application
Street Name Reservation Form
Zone Change ApplicationRezone / Rezoning
Confirmation of Property Tax & Code Enforcement
Zoning Quick Info Sheets
Zoning Ordinance
Subdivision RegulationsSub Regs
Notification Policy and Compliance
Adult Entertainment Regulations
Assisted Living Regulations
Big Box Design Standards
BP-1 Regulations (Business, Research, and Technology Park)
Cell Tower Regulations
Cluster Development Regulations
Digital Submittal Ordinance (GIS)
Environmentally Sensitive Area Regulations
Fence Ordinance(Fences)
Georgetown Fire Department Requirements
Group Home Ordinance
Landscape and Land Use Buffers Ordinance
Manufactured Housing Ordinance
Planting Manual
Schedule of Dimension Area Regulations
Short Term Rentals OrdinanceTags: Rental, AirBnB
Sign Ordinance - City
Sign Ordinance - County
Site Design Standards
Site Preparation Standards
Solar Ordinance
Stormwater ManualTags: Storm, Water, Management
Traffic Access & Impact Study GuidelinesTags: Traffic, Study
Projects & Reports
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