Quick Facts
A Brief Reference to Planning Commission Procedures
Development Plans
A Preliminary and a Final Development Plan are required for all new construction and expansions/ additions to existing structures. The Planning Commission may also require the submission of a Development Plan when there is a proposed change in use of a property.
All Preliminary development Plans must be reviewed by the Planning Commission at their monthly public meeting. Final Development Plans may be approved by staff if: (1) the Planning Commission does not request review of the Final Development Plan, and (2) the Development Plan conforms with the approved Preliminary Plan. There is no filing deadline for the submission of a Final Development Plan except, if the Final Development Plan is required to be heard by the Planning Commission. Modifications or revisions of a Final Development Plan may require Planning Commission review at their monthly public meeting.
Development Plans may be:
Approved with Conditions – The Planning Commission may impose any conditions regarding the location, character, or other features of the proposed use as it deems appropriate.
Development Plan approval is intended to:
Provide for uses that are beneficial to the community.
Properly integrate the uses permitted within each district with other uses.
Provide appropriate provisions for the impact of the proposed use.
Material that must be submitted by the scheduled deadline:
A completed application form.
The review fee.
Seventeen (17) copies of the Development Plan, containing:
Proposed use
Topographic information
Off-street parking and loading plan (including VUA information)
Circulation diagram
Building footprint and sidewalks
Species specific landscaping plan
Conformance with required setbacks (with setback lines shown on plan)
Preliminary Drainage Plan
Utility, access, and drainage easements
Proposed sign locations, lighting, dumpster location, and trafficcontrol devices
All required statistical information and certifications
Upon Preliminary Development Plan approval by the Planning Commission, the required Construction Plans, including any additional Drainage Plans, may be submitted. Following approval and certification of all required preliminary plans and conditions of approval, the Final Development Plan may be filed. One (1) mylar and eight (8) prints must be submitted, containing all required information and certifications (please refer to Appendix III of the Subdivision and Development Regulations), prior to approval and certification.
No building permits may be issued until the Chief Building Official has received an approved Final Development Plan. No Certificate of Occupancy may be issued by the Chief Building Official until all required improvements have been completed or bonded in Accordance with Article VI of the Subdivision and Development Regulations.
This is not a legal document. It does not replace nor amend the existing regulations governing the development plan process. Requirements for Development Plan approval are detailed in the Subdivision and Development Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance. For additional information, contact the Planning Commission office.